California law (often referred to as "AB 1234" requires local officials to receive periodic ethics training. Looking for a way to freshen up your AB 1234 training? The Attorney General’s guidelines allow local agencies to focus on more specific areas of concern once public officials have received the basic overview.¹ Our training complies with the Attorney General’s directives related to the “ethics principles” element of AB 1234 training by focusing on values such as trustworthiness, respect, fairness and responsibility to promote public trust in government.²
¹The Attorney General’s Guidelines say:
“Once the initial ethics training has been completed, agencies may wish to focus more intensely on specific areas of concern in subsequent training sessions and provide a more cursory review of the enumerated laws. We recognize that the two hours of mandatory training is a basic minimum, and encourage agencies to provide additional training throughout the year in order to promote ethical and transparent government at the local level.”
²Language from the Guidelines: “The discussion of general ethical principles should include the manner in which values such as trustworthiness, respect, fairness and responsibility promote public trust in government. It should also include the importance of avoiding even the appearance of impropriety.